Headteacher's Blog 7-6-24

Severn Vale students attended the commemoration event at St James' Church this week to honour those who participated in the D-Day operations that took place 80 years ago this week.
It was a pleasure to welcome the students back to school for what is the final term of the academic year.
For our Year 11 students, this saw the second half of their GCSE season exams begin. For many, the exams came thick and fast. Despite the pressure associated with the exams, the students have demonstrated considerable resilience, tackling the many exams with great determination and application. The end is nearly in sight with many completing their exams next week. I know they will keep their focus right to the end of the exam season.
Our thoughts this week, along with many of you, have been on remembering those who contributed to the D-Day operations that began 80 years ago this week. On Thursday, a group of Severn Vale students attended the commemoration event of the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings. The commemoration took place at St James’ Church and saw our students representing the school and their various cadet groups, including the Army Cadet Force, St John’s Ambulance, Police Cadets, Royal Marine Cadets, Royal Air Force Air Cadets and the Sea Cadets.
The students, who were immaculately turned out, laid poppies in memory of the young men who fell on the Normandy Beaches during the Second World War. Many local people commended our students, who were all an absolute credit to the school.
Fixtures begin next week, so no news to report this week. One sporting endeavour I did want to recognise was achieved over the half-term break when Year 11 student Leilana R once again won the 12–17 year old age group at the uphill run as part of the recent Cooper’s Hill Cheese Rolling. Whilst I would definitely not want to run down Cooper’s Hill, I’m not sure I’d want to run up it either. Many congratulations to Leilana on her achievement.
I include my weekly reminder about Free School Meals eligibility. If your financial circumstances have changed, your child may be eligible for Free School Meals. If you click on this link you will find guidance on the eligibility criteria and the application process. It's a quick process and we are notified of all FSM entitlements by Gloucestershire County Council each Monday. I would urge you to take a look if you think you may benefit from financial assistance.
I hope you enjoy a great weekend.
Richard Johnson