Headteacher's Blog 6-1-23

It's been a positive start to the New Year with students settling quickly into their studies
A Happy New Year to you all.
Our first week after the Christmas break is complete and it has been a pleasure to see the students again. They have settled into their studies quickly and have made it a very positive first week back.
We are keen to support our students to realise their potential in a variety of ways. One part of that work is to run extensive intervention programmes to support students to achieve, in particular in the key subjects of English, Maths and Science. Next week sees the largest ever number of interventions to support our students across all year groups kick off. This will see targeted interventions for students in all year groups take place both in school and after school. The students have responded superbly to the interventions we have run to date. They value the support and can see the impact it is having. I know they will continue to do this and thank you for encouraging your children to participate so positively.
For our Year 11s the countdown to the summer exams is well underway. Two key milestones are coming up for them. Firstly, we have our Year 11 parent evening takes place virtually on Thursday 19 January. Full details have been circulated today. If you are having issues making appointments please do contact Abby Pogue who will be able to guide you through the process. Secondly the Option subject mocks are rapidly approaching. These will take place in the fortnight beginning 30 January and will give students vital feedback on the progress and what they need to be doing next in their option subjects.
With fewer than 75 school days until the start of the GCSE exam season every school day does count for our Year 11s. If they are to give themselves the very best chance of realising their potential in the summer exams they do need to be in school every day. It is difficult with a number of bugs and viruses circulating at the moment. Whenever they can be in school, they do need to be in school.
Given there are lots of common winter bugs and viruses circulating at the moment the NHS in Gloucestershire, including the Paediatric consultant team, has developed advice for parents and carers of children to help care for them at home or know when health advice may be needed. There is understandable concern amongst following reports of children and young people with Strep A or Scarlet Fever going on to develop serious illness. However, health leaders are reassuring people that Scarlet Fever is usually a very mild illness that can be easily treated with antibiotics, and it is very rare for children to go on to develop the more serious illness known as invasive group A strep (iGAS). Do read and bookmark the advice and share with friends and family: https://www.nhsglos.nhs.uk/news/scarlet-fever-advice-for-parents-and-carers/
There was only one fixture this week with the KS4 Girls football team taking on Denmark Road. A fantastic performance saw Severn Vale secure a 7-1 victory with an amazing 4 goals from Tori Parker. Player of the match went to Beatriz Faria De Silva.
The PE department were keen for me to share information about this term’s extra-curricular activities. There are a wide range of opportunities across the week for students in all year groups. Full details have been sent home separately by parentmail.
I was delighted to be able to congratulate Year 7 student Kara Nicholls this week. Kara is a budding Archer and she has been breaking records left, right and centre for her club including a club record performance in the National-Short Junior category. Congratulations Kara!
Finally, a recent analysis showed that approximately 10% of those who are entitled to Free School Meals are not currently taking advantage of this scheme. If you think your child may be eligible for Free School Meals you can click on this link to find guidance on the eligibility criteria and the application process. It's a quick process and we are notified of all FSM entitlements by Gloucestershire County Council each Monday. I would urge you to take a look if you think you may benefit from financial assistance.
Have a great weekend.
Kind regards
Richard Johnson