Headteacher's Blog 17-4-23

It has been a busy start to the term following an Easter break that included a trip for some of our Year 11 students to Berlin and Krakow which included a never to be forgotten trip to Auschwitz-Birkenau
It has been a pleasure to welcome the students back after the Easter break. The students have returned with a positive attitude and have settled to their studies quickly.
In KS3 students have completed reading assessments this week as part of our ongoing reading screening programme. These assessments will help us identify students who might benefit from extra support with their reading which is obviously a crucial element in ensuring students can be successful across the curriculum. Our Year 11 students are obviously gearing up for the GCSE exam season which starts for some next week with Art, Design and Technology practical exams as well as Spanish GCSE orals. We wish all the students the best of luck with these.
Over the Easter holidays 45 Year 11 students and 5 members of staff travelled to Berlin and Krakow to visit some of the key sites linked to their Germany GCSE module. In Berlin the students went on a walking tour taking in places like the Reichstag building and the Brandenburg Gate. They also visited the Berlin Olympic Stadium and saw the Olympic Bell for the 1936 Olympics as well as the list of winners including Jesse Owens. The group then transferred from Berlin to Krakow to spend a day at Auschwitz-Birkenau, an experience that I know will have had a lasting experience on them all. In summary Ms Crouch the trip leader said, “It was an extraordinary and unforgettable trip for all of us and it was a privilege to take this outstanding group of Year 11 students who did themselves and us proud every step of the way”.
Also during the holidays some of our GCSE English students had the opportunity to venture over to Cheltenham to watch their Literature text, Blood Brothers, brought to life at the Everyman Theatre. This fabulous musical play by Willy Russell reminded the students of all the social themes of the play and served as an excellent piece of revision for those students in year 11. A big thank you also goes to those parents that booked tickets independently of school to take their children along. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.
This week 44 year 9 pupils attended a maths trip to Manchester United’s Old Trafford stadium to gain an understanding of how maths is applied in a real-life situation. After a long journey, the day began with a visit to the Manchester United museum, followed by a tour of the stadium, where pupils gained access to the first team dressing room, sat in the dugout, as well as the press conference room. After lunch, the educational session focused on data analysis. This demonstrated to pupils how important the use of statistics and data is to many aspects of a football club, including player performance, strength & conditioning, training, injuries, and player recruitment. All involved had a great day and gained a greater understanding of the use of data in sport.
It was also really heartening to see over 90 students from Severn Vale entering the annual Gloucestershire Young Photographer Competition organised by the Cheltenham Camera Club. The Gloucestershire Young Photographer Competition sees entries from across the county with over 800 students entering this year. I am very pleased to report that 6 students from Severn Vale have been selected as finalists. These students will see their work exhibited at the Audio-Visual Presentation in Cheltenham on the 27th of April. Congratulations to:
Savannah Carty - Year 8
Katie - Mae Head - Year 10
Lena Kozera - Year 7
Edward Warriner - Year 9
Daisy Taylor - Year 8
Harrison Allsop - Year 10
It is now the summer term (although the weather doesn’t appear very summery!!) and so our sports clubs have now changed. There is a broad range of after-school and lunchtime activities for students hosted by the PE department. Full details can be found on the SV PE department Instagram page. I will also ensure a copy is posted in the news section of the website. It would be great to see as many students as possible taking advantage of these opportunities.
A reminder that a recent analysis showed that approximately 10% of those who are entitled to Free School Meals are not currently taking advantage of this scheme. If you think your child may be eligible for Free School Meals you can click on this link to find guidance on the eligibility criteria and the application process. It's a quick process and we are notified of all FSM entitlements by GCC each Monday. I would urge you to take a look if you think you may benefit from financial assistance.
And finally, good luck to the students taking part in the DofE practice expedition this weekend. The forecast is a bit mixed to say the least but I’m sure they will all have a good time and make many great memories.
I do hope you enjoy a great weekend.
Richard Johnson