Headteacher's Blog 13-12-24

A musical performance to residents of the Dean Neurological Centre was a highlight this week
The penultimate week of term has flown by with lots of fabulous activities for our students.
On Monday, the music department took a group of students across years 7 to 10 to perform to residents of the Dean Neurological Centre. The 'Dean' is a residential and day care centre for adults who have suffered life-changing neurological trauma. 'It was a humbling experience' as one student put it, and our students were an absolute credit to themselves and the school. Their performances ranged from the West End, through to contemporary popular hits, all of which were performed with assurance and received with enthusiasm. After their performances, the students met with residents and staff and had the opportunity to see the facilities at the centre. This was a rich opportunity for our students to experience first-hand the power of live musical performance and the effect it has, as well as the importance of human connection.
On Tuesday, a group of our Year 9 and 10 Food students embarked on a culinary journey through the historic neighbourhoods of Spitalfields and Brick Lane in London. The experience combined history and culture, as well as trying loads of new multicultural dishes. They sampled Kothu Roti from Sri Lanka, Bangladeshi samosas, bhaji & pakoras, chocolate truffles and hot chocolate from a Ghanian Chocolatier, salt beef bagels from the oldest Jewish bagel shop in London and we finished the tour with delicious sour dough strawberry chocolate doughnuts! The students learned about the French Huguenots using exquisite silk to make Queen Victoria's wedding dress, the Great Fire of London, the slums of London, and finished the day with more food tasting and shopping in the iconic Borough Market! By the end of the day both the staff and students were full to bursting and with aching feet, and were grateful to sit on the coach and enjoy the beautiful London Christmas lights on the way home!!
On Wednesday we held our annual Winter Showcase. As ever, there was a wide range of musical genres represented, along with dance and gymnastics performances. The performers came from all year groups and their hard work and practice certainly paid dividends, as the audience were treated to some fabulous performances. A huge thank you to all who came along, to the performers themselves, and to the Music department for organising this event.
On the sporting front, our Boxercise club run by Fight Factory held its second session this week. The sessions are getting more physically challenging and it was great to see the students rising to the challenge. Several of our students have made the link between school and club and are attending fitness sessions during the evenings and on weekends which is fantastic to hear!
On Tuesday, the U14 Girls Football Team took part in the district football tournament held at Severn Vale. They made it to the semi-finals, where they were beaten on penalties by Henley Bank, who went on to win the tournament. The girls played some excellent football and showed great character until the end. Daisy H was named the player of the tournament for her excellent defensive play. Well done to all who took part.
On Thursday, the final Girls' District Football tournament, for the U16 year group, took place at Severn Vale. There was a lot of very good football and talent on show from all the schools involved. The Severn Vale team finished in 3rd position. Elle M was player of the tournament.
As ever, I include my reminder about Free School Meals eligibility. If your financial circumstances have changed, your child may be eligible for Free School Meals. If you click on this link you will find guidance on the eligibility criteria and the application process. It's a quick process and we are notified of all FSM entitlements by Gloucestershire County Council each Monday. I would urge you to take a look if you think you may benefit from financial assistance.
I hope you have a great weekend.
Richard Johnson