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Chelsea’s Choice

Chelsea’s Choice performance for Year 8 - Thursday 18th September 2014

As I am sure you are aware, the sexual exploitation of children across the UK has been in the news and continues to be a concern. We also know that the best protection we can give to young people is knowledge of the dangers so that they are aware and can protect themselves, as well as letting them know where they can go for help and support if they are worried.

In order to do this, we are presenting an interactive play to all of our Year 8 pupils which will tackle the difficult issue of Child Sexual Exploitation on Thursday 18th Sept 2014. The play is called Chelsea’s Choice and will provide an opportunity for interaction with the actors helping pupils to see the choices Chelsea has made and how she might have chosen differently.

We will provide an information sheet which has been designed with input from young people to all pupils on where to go if they are worried about exploitation, feel forced into doing something they don’t want to, or if they feel they are at risk. School staff will also be on hand to help with questions.

A copy of the information sheet can be accessed below.