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Skern Lodge Trip

Our annual trip to Skern Lodge saw 177 students and 16 staff enjoy a weekend of outdoor activities in the late summer sun….and a thunderstorm.

177 students and 16 staff left school on Friday 8th September for Skern Lodge in Devon for the weekend.

Upon arrival the students headed straight for a lovely dinner and then found their allocated rooms. Once settled in they had a tour of the site and facilities before starting the Friday night Skern Lodge Games.

Saturday morning brought a cooked breakfast and then out for a variety of activities: rafting, high ropes, archery, tunnels and climbing. The weather was perfect for the activities with the sun finally being out for us. Saturday evening saw a night walk along the beach and more Skern Games in and out of the outside pool. A particular highlight of this was watching 50 pupils loudly “laying an egg” during one memorable race.

Sunday morning saw many of us surfing on two beaches, with some people showing off their skills – including the teachers. Waves were perfect conditions and much fun was had. A stormy rain shower made an interesting experience in the sea with the rain bouncing back up at us. We had just got on to the beach before the storm came across and added some thunder into the mix.

Sunday afternoon saw more rafting and high ropes with a particularly spectacular leap across the rafts from Mr Constable who was determined that all the teachers would take a swim.

Goodbyes and many thanks were said to the amazing staff at Skern Lodge and certificates were handed out before a tired bus headed home to Gloucester on Sunday evening. A good weekend making amazing memories with our students had been had all round, and we look forward to returning next year.