Volunteers receive praise from DofE

A record number of volunteering hours for DofE students at Severn Vale School.
Volunteering is an amazing way to give something back to the local community. Having personally volunteered for St John Ambulance for 25 years, which I also used to complete my volunteering sections for all three of my DofE awards, it gives me an amazing amount of pride to see our current DofE students giving up their time for some very worthy causes.
These activities include being a young leader at Scouts, coaching younger age groups in their chosen sport, helping at primary school after school clubs, raising money for local charities, helping with event management for local charities, undertaking duties with the local police cadet force, helping the elderly, reading to children and helping at the local library.
The last few years have seen an amazing number of hours given up by our students for good causes. What is even more impressive is that having posted a record number of hours last year, we have then beaten this amount by ten percent this year. The raise in hours means that about forty of our students have given 793 hours of their time, which equates to between 12-24 hours each.
Finally, I would like to congratulate all the students who have contributed to these numbers and hope that having started their volunteering journey, they choose to continue this and carry on supporting those who have benefitted from their time so far.
Mr Higgs
DofE Manager