Work experience
Work Experience provides vital first-hand knowledge of the world of work and of a particular career area. It helps with Post 16 decisions and builds self-confidence and employability skills.
Work experience can also help students to see that putting in the effort at school to gain the best GCSE results they are capable of, good attendance and having a good attitude will make such a difference in helping them to be employable.
Students at Severn Vale School are in a privileged position, as the school continues to provide a dedicated week of work experience for all Year 10 students each summer. Students are allowed free choice of placement and should think about where they would most like to spend their week, making enquires as soon as possible. Popular placements are taken very quickly, some over a year in advance, so planning and action needs to be taken at the end of Year 9.
The school provides guidance, vetting and administration for Year 10 Work Experience Week. Letters and forms can be found on the Careers Resources page. Students can pop in to the Careers Office at any non-lesson time for help or to ask for a paper copy of any of the forms.
Work experience at other times, whether paid, voluntary or just observation, in a holiday, at a weekend or after school, is encouraged as this will help students gain vital knowledge, general employability skills, sector skills and will build confidence and make useful contacts.
Guidance on the responsibilities for employers, and the law concerning young people in the workplace can be found on the Health and Safety Executive website.
A great preparation tool for young people, to help students think about the possible dangers in the work place is The Missing game – Zombie filled fun that gets the message across. This can be found on the British Safety Council website which also contains lots of advice and information including some hard hitting videos.