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The aim of Music lessons in Year 7 is to provide students with a foundation of key musical skills to be able to access a range of genres, styles, and musical cultures. Year 7s will follow a specific lesson framework which has singing, music theory, listening and presentation skills, and key practical musicianship skills embedded through a range of topics. Music technology skills are embedded with students working with industry standard software from the outset and learn techniques of structure, timbral synthesis, and MIDI editing.

The aim of Year 8 is to build upon the foundation skills learnt in Year 7 and give students a greater breath of instrumental learning experience. Students explore a wide range of topics through practical, music technology, and theoretical approaches.

In Year 9, students broaden their practical musicianship skills, revisit and extend their knowledge of music theory, and also develop an awareness and understanding of the music industry.

What is taught and how?

Topics covered through Year 7 are:

  1. Rhythm and Pulse
  2. Melody & Pitch
  3. Keyboard Skills
  4. Instruments of the Orchestra
  5. Theme and Variations
  6. Band Unit 1

Music theory content includes:

Term 1
  • Note values of semibreve, minim, crotchet, quaver and semiquaver, and their equivalent rests.
  • Simple time signatures of 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, bar-lines and the grouping of the notes listed above within these times.
Term 2
  • The stave. Treble (G) and bass (F) clefs. Names of notes on the stave, including middle C in both clefs. Sharp, flat and natural signs, and their cancellation
Term 3
  • Some frequently used terms and signs concerning tempo, dynamics, performance directions and articulation marks
Term 4

Construction of the major scale, including the position of the tones and semitones. Scales and key signatures of the major keys of C, G, D and F in both clefs, with their tonic triads (root position), degrees (number only), and intervals above the tonic (by number only).

Term 5 Recap / revision
Term 6 Recap / revision & testing of past topics


Topics covered through Year 8 are:

  1. The Blues
  2. Popular Music Theory
  3. Keyboard Skills Unit 2
  4. Indian Music
  5. Band Unit 2
  6. Protest Song Writing

Topics covered through Year 9 are:

  1. Music Theory 101
  2. World Music Scales and Modes
  3. Dance Music
  4. Indian Music
  5. Managing a Music Product
  6. Performance Project


  • Verbal and Musical Feedback
  • Music Theory Knowledge Tests
  • Performance Portfolio
  • Music Technology Portfolio
  • Composition Portfolio
  • Feedback on Music Presentations


  • Research activities
  • Listening activities
  • Music Technology activities
  • Singing practice
  • Music Theory activities

KS4 Options (Years 10 & 11)

At KS4, students can choose to follow the BTEC Music Level 2 Award. We have two specific pathways. One which develops more ‘traditional’ skills of Composition and Performance, while the other focusses more specifically on Vocal Performance.

The Units followed are:

‘Traditional Pathway’

  1. The Music Industry (compulsory core unit – externally assessed by examination)
  2. Managing a Music Product (compulsory unit)
  3. Introducing Music Composition (optional unit)
  4. Introducing Music Performance (optional unit)
  5. Introducing Music Sequencing (optional unit)

We deliver three optional units and enter the marks from the highest two.

‘Vocal Performance Pathway’

  1. The Music Industry (compulsory core unit – externally assessed by examination)
  2. Managing a Music Product (compulsory unit)
  3. Introducing Music Performance (optional unit)
  4. Introducing Music Recording (optional unit)